The Leave Balance Calculator is intended to assist employees who are at or above maximum of their vacation (VA) and annual leave (AL) balances. In addition to reducing employees VA and AL balances, per Personnel Management Liaisons (PML) 2013-013, most employees are required to exhaust any Personal Leave Program (PLP) 2010, PLP 2012 and furlough hours prior to using other leave. The Leave Balance Calculator was designed to develop a plan for all leaves cited above.
To use the calculator, complete the data fields with accurate information. If you need assistance in obtaining accurate data, please contact your supervisor or Human Resources Office.
The calculator will update as you enter your data, however if this does not happen after you complete the fields, click the “Calculate Total” button to refresh all calculations. After the calculation is complete click “Print My Plan”, this will create a PDF document. Follow your departmental process and procedures to request the time off as entered in the calculator. Print, sign and date the PDF document and attach the appropriate departmental leave request documents and submit to your supervisor for approval. If desired, you may save the PDF for your records.
Note: Where Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) language differs, the MOU shall supersede.